Father and Son are Graduates of the ALRS Ph.D. Program

May 19, 2016


Ruben Dario Mayorga Meragraduated from the University of Arizona in 1989 completing the Arid Lands Resource Studies Ph.D. program. He was one of the many scholars to participate in the partnership between the University of Arizona and the Federal University of Ceará, which celebrated fifty years in 2016. After graduation, he returned to Ceará where he had a solid research career working in areas such as agricultural commercialization, family agriculture and rural poverty. He retired in 2013.

Dissertation Title: Price relationships and market integration: A northeast of Brazil case study.


Fernando Mayorga, graduated from the University of Arizona in 2016, also completing the Arid Lands Resource Studies Ph.D. program. Currently works as an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Ceará, Sobral, Brazil.  

Dissertation Title:

“Growth, Equity, and Sustainability: A Case Study of the Impacts of Green Revolution Change in Ceará, Northeast Brazil”

Click here to see a copies  of their abstracts