Saleh Ahmed wins a Confluence Center Grant
In the summer of 2016, when Saleh, a third year PhD candidate in Arid Lands Resource Sciences with a minor in Global Change, spent two months in coastal Bangladesh as part of his pre-doctoral dissertation fieldwork on climate adaptation, he realized that for many local farmers access to climate information is not just an issue to the availability of information, sometimes these can be due to structural challenges, such as illiteracy, or absence of electronic media in the region. How we can improve the situation, when thousands of local farmers are at the “frontline” of global climate change? Informed climate readiness is critical to their livelihoods, economy, and bio-diversity. In tackling this complex situation, Saleh planned to use local street theatre and help to improve the local farmers knowledge and awareness, so that they are better prepared in response to any form of climate stress. He worked on this plan last few months and developed a small pilot project, what he titled “Voices from the Edge: Using Traditional Street Theatre to Promote Climate Awareness in Coastal Bangladesh.” Recently, this project has been selected as one of the nine projects that the Confluencecenter for Creative Inquiry has decided to fund as part of their Confluencecenter Graduate Fellowships for 2017-2018[1]. In his winning project summary, Saleh wrote:
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[1] For details, please see: