Rachel Murray Garners a UA 2016-2017 University Fellows Award

March 11, 2016

The Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Arid Lands Resource Sciences is proud to announce that Fall 2016 incoming student, Rachel Murray is the recipient of the prestigious University Fellows award.  The fellowship is sponsored by the University of Arizona (UA) Graduate College.  The award provides financial support, professional development opportunities, and a richly interdisciplinary community of University Fellows and distinguished faculty members throughout the campus.

The University Fellows Award provides the following:

  • A cash stipend of $30,000 that will be disbursed as $12,500 for fall semester, $12,500 for spring semester, and $5,000 for summer.
  •  A Graduate Tuition Scholarship (GTS) that will cover the graduate tuition (excludes program fees, differential tuition, and mandatory registration fees) in fall and spring for courses taken through main campus. Based on 2015-2016 rates, the current value of this award is $29,362 for non-residents and $11,040 for residents enrolled as full time students (9 units or more).
  •  Coverage of the UA individual student health insurance  ($2,308 annually based on 2015-2016 rate).
  • In year 2,  access to a $500 travel stipend for attending the conference or professional development opportunity of her choice.
  • $2,500 in spring of the third year for collaboration in a grand challenge conference

Rachel is a former Borlaug Global Food Security Fellow from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she researched farmer-managed irrigation systems in Nepal with a focus on climate change adaptations and women farmers. Her research involves a focused investigation and analysis of the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty between Pakistan and India, in the context of climate change, growing population pressures, environmental degradation, hydropower demands, and heightened bilateral tensions.  Rachel’s research interests include inter and intra-state water conflict, water rights mediation and policy in arid lands, climate change adaptations and resilience in agro-ecosystems, women and irrigation in developing nations, and the global water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus.   

Please welcome and congratulate Rachel on winning this university wide fellowship competition.