Omar Youssef Wins the Harvill Fellowship Award 2014-2015

June 3, 2014

Incoming, ALRS student, Omar Youssef has been selected as one of the three Richard A. Harvill Fellows for 2014-15.   The mission of the Richard A. Harvill Endowment is to perpetuate knowledge of Dr. Harvill, who served as UA president from 1951 to 1971, a period in which UA began its furious post-war enrollment growth, and the institution took its place among the leading research universities of the west.

The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of $12,000, disbursed in two equal payments between the fall and spring terms and a Graduate Tuition Scholarship that covers base graduate level tuition (not the differential tuition assessed by some programs) for each semester of award

Omar Youssef is a recent Masters of Science Architecture graduate of the University of Arizona (Spring 2014).  He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Architecture Engineering degree from the Modern Sciences and Arts University, Cairo, Egypt.

Congratulations, Omar!