Adriana Zuniga Teran's Publication Achievements
Nov. 9, 2016
Adriana Zuniga Teran, 2015 ALRS Ph.D. graduate and currentky Senior Researcher at the the UA Udall Center has been busy writing and publishing several papers:
- She is the second author to Robert G. Varady in the soon to be published article in the Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability journal- " Adaptive management and water security in a global context: Definitions, concepts, and examples."
- "Designing healthy communities: A walkability analysis of LEED-ND" has been published in Frontiers of Architectural Research (November 2016).
Read the research article here:
Her co-authors include:
Barron J. Orr, Randy H. Gimblett, Nader V. Chalfoun, Scott B. Going, David P. Guering and Stuart E. Marsh.
- "Modes and Approaches of Groundwater Governance: A Survey of Lessons Learned from Selected Cases across the Globe," has been published in the online Water journal (September 2016)
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