Mohanad Abdullah Almokhadm
M.S.- Mechanical Engineering, The University of Arizona, 2023
B.S.- Mechanical Engineering, Tennessee Technological University, 2015
Research Interests:
Advancing Arid Land Sustainability through Innovative Water Resource Management and Conservation
David Quanrud, Assistant Professor of Practice, Natural Resources and the Environment
Ivan Gaxiola Camacho
M.S.- Architectute, Design and Energy Conservation, The University of Arizona, 2016
B.A.- Architecture, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, August 2010
Research Interests:
Urban heat island mitigation, human thermal comfort restoration and food security advancement in the built environment of arid regions through implementation of green infrastructure as an urban agriculture model.
Michael Crimmins, Professor, Environmental Science
Adriana Zuniga-Teran, Assistant Professor, School of Geography, Development and Environment
Diana Githu
M.S. - Restoration Ecology and Management, SNRE, University of Arizona, 2020
B.S. - Range Management, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya, 2016
Research Interest:
My possible research is to explore how sustainable rangeland management can be used to realize the potential of Kenya’s dryland areas in regard to developing the nation and reducing poverty. The potential of the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of Kenya is yet to be realized as they receive insufficient investment in terms of both financing and policy incentives. But the focus of my study is on the climate aspect of rangelands, economics and policy formulation.
Zackry Guido, Assistant Research Professor, Arizona Institute for Resilience and School of Natural Resources and Environment
Karina Guadalupe Martinez
M.A - Geography & Development, University of Arizona
M.D.P. - Master's in Development Practice, 2018 University of Arizona
B.E. - Bachelor's in Engineering, major in Environmetal and Industrial Engineering, Sonora State University, 2016
Research Interest:
Reforestation of public spaces with native vegetation to help mitigate the effects of urban heat islands in desert communities and increase children's interest in caring for the environment through early education.
Alberto Arenas, Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, College of Education
Joona Mikkola
M.Sc. - Management, Grenoble Ecole de Management, 2016
B.Sc. - Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 2013
Research interests: Joona is passionate about ecological economics and finding solutions for real-world development and environmental governance problems with transdisciplinary research. His research interests include common-pool resource problems in semi-arid and arid lands, rangeland management and land-based greenhouse gas fluxes, and climate finance and community-based payments for ecosystem services (CB-PES) in Sahel and East Africa.
Larry A. Fisher, Research Professor, School of Natural Resources & Environment
Rebecca R. Renteria
M.A. - Anthropology, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona, 2017
B.S. - Anthropology, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona, 2015
Research Interests:
Rebecca's research is at the nexus of archaeology; public health; and traditional food, land, and water systems. She is especially interested in the impact of various forms of colonization on mental and physical health related to diabetes among marginalized communities in the United States-Mexico Borderlands, the United States, and globally. Her roots in the Mexican American community have inspired her to continue to deconstruct the nuances of ascribed identities and relations to better serve marginalized communities in a culturally responsive way.
Tristan Reader, Assistant Professor of Practice, American Indian Studies
Megan Carney, Assistant Professor, School of Anthropology
Monica Landgrave Serrano
M.S. - in Planning, University of Arizona, Spring 2019
M.S. - in Urban Development, One-Year MS Program, Polytechnic University of Caralonia, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 01/2016 to 12/2016
Exchange Student - Sustainable Development, University of Brittany, Brest, France, 01/2013 to 06/2013
Exchange Student - Laval University, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, 07/2011 to 12/2011
Bachelor in Architecture, University of Sonora, 12/2014, Sonora Mexico
Research Interest:
Monica Landgrave-Serrano's research interests revolve around community building and creative placemaking in the Sonora-Arizona Megaregion. Her previous projects have concentrated on the improvement and expansion of active travel modes for all kinds of people, especially minorities, disadvantaged, and low-income groups. Her dissertation focuses on tactical urbanism and small-scale urban interventions in arid lands that generate long-term change through sustainable development.
Philip Stoker, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning
Edimus Masona
M.S. Agriculture, Tottori University, Japan, 2018
M.S. Tropical Resource Ecology, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, 2014
B.S. Agriculture/Soil Science, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, 2005
Research Interests:
Land and Water Governance in Arid and Semi-arid regions. Natural resources management and water security issues in Native Communities.
Interim Advisor:
Larry A. Fisher, Research Professor, School of Natural Resources & Environment
Robert Medler
M.A. Organizational Leadership, Gonzaga University, 2010
B.A. Political Science, B.A. Communications, University of Arizona, 2007
Research Interests:
The nexus of public policy, economics, and water in the arid and semi-arid regions in the southwestern United States.